What day is the race?
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Where is the race located? 
Longview Lake Swim Beach
11101 Raytown Road, Kansas City, MO 64134

What are the distances for the Olympic Triathlon? 
1,500-meter swim, 40K bike, 10K run  

  • Aid Stations:  There will be two aid stations along the run course (total of 4 aid stations for the two-lap course)

What are the distances for the Olympic Duathlon? 
5K run, 40K bike, 10K run  

  • Aid Stations:  There will be three aid stations along the run course

What are the distances for the Sprint Triathlon? 
500-meter swim, 20K bike, 5K run  

  • Aid Stations:  There will be two aid stations along the run course

What are the distances for the Sprint Duathlon? 
2.5K run, 20K bike, 5K run 

  • Aid Stations:  There will be one aid station along the run course

What amenities do I get for finishing? 
Official participant tri-blend finishers shirt
A full color medal with a custom sublimated v-sewn neck ribbon
Free food and beverages at the Finish Line Festival 
Free massages at the finish line

Is there a time limit on the event? 
There is no time limit. No matter your finish time, we promise to be there cheering for you! 

Will photos be available? 
Yes! Professional photos will be available following the event and searchable by bib number or name.

Am I required to have the COVID-19 vaccine to participate in this event?
In accordance with local guidelines, you are not required to be vaccinated to participate in a large, outdoor event like the Kansas City Triathlon. However, we do recommend participants take any safety precautions needed to feel comfortable at the race. Those could include wearing masks in close proximity to others and being fully vaccinated. Most importantly, if you are not feeling well or have respiratory symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please do the responsible thing and stay home. We appreciate your help in practicing good public health protocols.

If you need additional support before, during or after the race, please contact and someone will be in contact about making the necessary accommodations.


Is the Kansas City Triathlon a USAT sanctioned race?  
Yes. As such, all rules, waivers, and conditions required by USAT apply.  Click here  for the most commonly violated rules and more information on official USA Triathlon Rules. 

Are you required to be a member of USAT?  
You are required to be a member of USAT on race day. You can get more information on the benefits of membership and sanctioning or purchase an annual membership at  USAT Website. If you do not have or want an annual membership, a single-day membership can be purchased for $15 when you register. 

Additional USAT Information: 
Annual USAT members will be REQUIRED to provide a USAT membership card AND photo ID to pick up their packet. No exceptions. Once registered, you may not transfer your entry to someone else. These are USAT sanctioning rules. If you purchased a single-day USAT license during registration, you will not get, nor will you need to provide a USAT membership card. However, you still need to present a valid photo I.D.  For the purpose of awards and USAT standings, you will be placed in a specific age group, determined by your age on December 31 of the current year.  


When does registration close?
Online registration will close at 5pm on the Saturday before the race. There is NO race day registration. 

Can I change from the triathlon to the duathlon (or duathlon to triathlon)? 
Yes, you may change your race at any time while registration is open. Click here for instructions on how to make the change. After online registration is closed, any changes will need to be made at Packet Pick Up.   NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ON RACE DAY. 

Do you allow transfers from one person to another?
To transfer your registration, follow these steps. All transfers MUST be completed prior to packet pick up.

Do you allow refunds? 
We do not refund race entries or other fees associated with race registration.  Nor can we give refunds if the race is cancelled on race day due to costs associated with insurance, equipment rental, park fees, staff, food, and the race shirts. If we cancel the event on race day due to the threat of severe weather or other emergency, you can still pick up your race bag and shirt. However, you won’t get a refund and we won’t be sending shirts in the mail after the race. 

Is the event open to team competition? 
Yes. The race is open to two or three-member teams competing in a relay triathlon.  


Are there awards? 
Yes – please visit the Results & Awards page for more info 

Will there be a post-race awards ceremony? 
There will be a post-race awards ceremony at this year’s race for overall winners. There will not be a post-race awards ceremony for age group award winners.

What age groups will receive awards? 
19 & Under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+ and the Athena/Clydesdale division 
NOTE - We will be following the USAT age-up rule: your age group placement will be based on your age as of December 31 of the current year.  Athena and Clydesdale participants are not eligible for age group awards.  Please visit the Results & Awards page for more info.  


Where can I find Kansas City Triathlon course maps? 
All Maps and pertinent information can be found here

How long is the course open? 
The course remains open until the final participant finishes. 

Can I rest on the kayak or other boat during the swim? 
Yes, you may rest on the kayak or other appropriate boat, but the kayak or boat cannot help you advance in the water. 

Will there be aid stations? 
Yes, there will be aid stations on the run course providing water. There will be no aid stations on the bike course so plan to bring your own water on your bike.

Can I run with headphones? 
Radios, headphones, MP3 players, iPods, and CD players are NOT permitted on the course. This is for your safety. A violation may result in a variable time penalty. We will have lots of fans cheering, music on the run course and music at the finish line. 

What if it rains or there is road construction? 
We reserve the right to alter the course distances, delay the start time, or cancel the race entirely in the event of dangerous weather or other unexpected complications. However, we will not cancel the event just because of rain. Refunds will not be given in case of race-day cancellation.  


When and where is packet pick up? 
Please visit our Packet Pick Up information page 

What do I need to bring to packet pick up? 
Bring a photo ID. Per USAT regulations, all participants are required to show a photo ID at Packet Pick Up before receiving race materials. This means that no one besides the participant can pick up their packet. 

Do you mail out participant packets? 
No, we do not mail out participant packets. 

Can someone else pick up my packet? 
No one can pick it up for you and you cannot pick up someone else’s packet.


What time should I arrive? 
Every participant is different. You will want to be prepared to find parking, get body marked, set up your transition area and get to the starting line area. We recommend for athletes to plan to arrive between 5:30 a.m. and 6:15 a.m. The transition area will close at 7 a.m. and will NOT REOPEN until the FINAL cyclist has completed the bike course (approx. 10:30 a.m.).  

Do I need to check in the morning of the race? 
If you have already picked up your packet you can head straight to the transition area. You will not be allowed entry to TA unless you have marked your race number on your arms.  Make sure to listen to the public address announcer when you get to the race site for important updates and announcements.  

What does the Race Day Schedule look like?  
5:30 a.m. 
Gates open to participants and spectators 
Body Marking and Chip pick up opens 
Transition Area opens 

6:15 – 7:00 a.m. 
Swim warm-up area open 

7:00 a.m. 
Transition Area closes 

7:15 a.m.
Pre-race meeting for all participants 
Roads close for all vehicle traffic

7:30 a.m. 
Race Starts  

11:00 a.m. 
Estimated time of roads opening and participants are able to exit the race site 

How does the Team Transition work?  
The same timing device used by the individual racers will serve as your team “baton.”  At the bottom of the transition area (closest to the water) there will be a team box where handoffs will take place.  You can have your entire bike gear on in the team box, but once you have the timing device you will need to grab your bike off the bike rack.  The team bike racks will be really close to the team box.  When you return from the bike, you will rack your bike and then hand off the timing device to your runner. They can take off straight from there.  

Why can’t my family help me set up in the Transition Area? 
For safety and security reasons, no one except registered participants, official volunteers, and approved media will be allowed in the transition area. No family or friends are allowed inside the transition area at any time before, during, or after the race. Volunteers and security personnel will be posted to ensure the safety and security of everyone’s gear and equipment.  

How is the race timed? 
Each athlete will receive an official race time device.  As you cross each timing mat, you will have a split. Results will include time splits for your swim, transition 1 (T1), bike, transition 2 (T2), and run. For the duathlon, your results will include time splits for your 1.5-mi. run, transition 1 (T1), bike, transition 2 (T2), and 3.1-mile run.  

What time does the race start? 

Can I leave when I finish the race?  
For the safety and security of every participant, no one will be allowed to take their bike out of transition or their car out of participant parking until the bike course is clear of all participants. No one was allowed to drive on the course while you were competing and we ask that you extend the other participants the same courtesy.  Please plan to stay and cheer on your fellow participants!  


Where do participants park?  
Parking will be available in the large grass area adjacent to the Transition Area within the Longview Lake Swim Beach site. Jackson County Park Rangers will be directing participants and spectator parking upon arrival.   This parking lot will be closed from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. or until the last cyclist is off the bike course.

Where do volunteers and sponsors park?   
Vehicles displaying the appropriate permit may park in the designated Volunteer and Sponsor Parking near the transition area/race site.  

Can I carpool with my family or other participants?  
CARPOOL PLEASE! This makes for a less stressful race morning with fewer cars and best of all reduces our carbon footprint on the environment!  


If I am doing the triathlon, does it matter which swim cap I wear? 
You are required to wear the swim cap provided to you in your race packet, you may not wear your own or trade with another participant. 

Does it matter what type of bike helmet I wear?  
CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) certified helmets are required to be worn and buckled for the bike portion of the event and at any other time you are on your bike in the park.  

What are some of the most important bike course safety precautions? 
Helmets are required to be worn and buckled on the bike course at all times. No exceptions.  Drafting on the bike is not permitted.  Always stay to the right, except when passing. Please pass on the left. When passing, announce your passing to the rider in front of you (i.e. “I’m on your left!”).  Avoid sudden turns and stops. Slow down and put your foot down if needed at the turnaround.  You must walk your bike in the transition area until you meet the mount line at the bike-out area.  You must dismount your bike before the dismount line / before entering transition at the end of the bike course. 

Can I wear a wetsuit while swimming? 
Wetsuits may or may not be allowed. We will follow USAT rules on wetsuit usage.  As per USAT rules, if the water temperature is 78 degrees Fahrenheit or below then wetsuits ARE allowed.  At 78.1 to 83.9 degrees Fahrenheit participants may wear a wetsuit at their own discretion; however, wearing a wetsuit in the temperature range will mean that the athletes are ineligible for awards.  At 84 degrees Fahrenheit and above wet suits are NOT permitted – this is for your own safety.  Updates regarding wetsuits will be sent the week of the race. You may also view our most current water temp update on the main KCT page.


Will there be a medical tent? 
Yes, a medical tent will be near the finish line. 

What if I get hurt during the race? Will there be someone around to assist me? 
Please get the attention of the nearest volunteer or staff member; They will call the medical director to assist you.  


Where is the best place to cheer on my participant?
Spectators are welcomed and encouraged at our event! The race site provides the best opportunity to see your participant multiple times coming through the transition area. On the run course, shelters #12 and #13 are good spots to cheer on athletes. The bike course is more difficult to spectate, the best area to cheer your participant on will be near the bike in/out.